Thursday, October 31, 2013

Shopping Causality.

I am nothing if not overtly clumsy… It is the bane of my existence and I fight it everyday. It is a battle I am loosing. I shall never be referred to as, poised or graceful, nope, not this klutzy gal. I suspect the root cause is my hyper mobility, most of, if not all of my joints hyper extend; I know, I know, TMI but in any case I feel that it does prevent me from having the grace and poise I so long for. Believe me; it is annoying to drop somewhere around 80% of what you intend to pick up. When you blog about clothing or fashion you’re bound to do a bit of shopping and for me, a day of shopping has been known to produce a few casualties, yesterday was no exception. I needed to pick up a few things for my Halloween tablescape at Hobby Lobby and decided to check out the discount clothing store located in the same shopping center. I found a few items that I wanted to try on. Back in the fitting room I managed to become overly excited upon trying on a rather small (for me) sized suit only to find it was a perfect fit! Thank you Weight Watchers! Anyhow, I guess I became a little too thrilled while placing my left arm into the left sleeve of the blazer, just as my hand reached the end of the sleeve I felt and heard a thwack which was followed by mind numbing, blinding pain! In my clumsy demeanor my fist had managed to make contact with a rather hard-edged mirror frame in the fitting room I selected. Nausea forced me to sit. I sat staring at the injured paw…man was that ever going to leave a mark! I sat staring at my first knuckle waiting for the evidence to appear… I waited…surely a bruise would appear immediately….and waited. Finally I noticed blood on my hand, only it wasn't where I expected it to be. Turns out my second knuckle took the brunt of the impact and was starting to bleed a slight bit. I snapped a picture thinking how no one would ever believe I’d done it on a shopping trip. Shopping is hard work sometimes I guess… FYI that suit didn't make it home with me, I figured it was jinxed. Still, even leaving it behind, I managed to slam my right hand in the car door later that same day…Perhaps I should have stayed home. Better luck next time! 

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