Thursday, October 31, 2013

Shopping Causality.

I am nothing if not overtly clumsy… It is the bane of my existence and I fight it everyday. It is a battle I am loosing. I shall never be referred to as, poised or graceful, nope, not this klutzy gal. I suspect the root cause is my hyper mobility, most of, if not all of my joints hyper extend; I know, I know, TMI but in any case I feel that it does prevent me from having the grace and poise I so long for. Believe me; it is annoying to drop somewhere around 80% of what you intend to pick up. When you blog about clothing or fashion you’re bound to do a bit of shopping and for me, a day of shopping has been known to produce a few casualties, yesterday was no exception. I needed to pick up a few things for my Halloween tablescape at Hobby Lobby and decided to check out the discount clothing store located in the same shopping center. I found a few items that I wanted to try on. Back in the fitting room I managed to become overly excited upon trying on a rather small (for me) sized suit only to find it was a perfect fit! Thank you Weight Watchers! Anyhow, I guess I became a little too thrilled while placing my left arm into the left sleeve of the blazer, just as my hand reached the end of the sleeve I felt and heard a thwack which was followed by mind numbing, blinding pain! In my clumsy demeanor my fist had managed to make contact with a rather hard-edged mirror frame in the fitting room I selected. Nausea forced me to sit. I sat staring at the injured paw…man was that ever going to leave a mark! I sat staring at my first knuckle waiting for the evidence to appear… I waited…surely a bruise would appear immediately….and waited. Finally I noticed blood on my hand, only it wasn't where I expected it to be. Turns out my second knuckle took the brunt of the impact and was starting to bleed a slight bit. I snapped a picture thinking how no one would ever believe I’d done it on a shopping trip. Shopping is hard work sometimes I guess… FYI that suit didn't make it home with me, I figured it was jinxed. Still, even leaving it behind, I managed to slam my right hand in the car door later that same day…Perhaps I should have stayed home. Better luck next time! 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Comfort Trumps Fashion... Sometimes...

Today did not go as planned... Outfit wise. ;) I had planed to get all gussied up in celebration of a special anniversary this evening. The day, life in general, had other plans; it was one of those days when even the best laid plans can go awry, a day which called for, NO, demanded a comfortable outfit. Jeggings paired with a slouchy blouson sweater, floral scarf and of course my current favorite pair of boots. These boots are so comfortable it is hard not to automatically reach for them with every outfit… More on that later. ;) 
Boots by Coconuts available at The Shoe Department, Jeggings by A.n.a. available at J.C. Penny, blouson sweater by Verty available at XI Clothing, floral scarf available at SteinMart. 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Giddy-up cowgirl…All the World's a Stage...

I am nothing if not a theater geek at heart. Truthfully, I think I simply never found a reason good enough to give up playing dress-up past my formative years. Perhaps I never really grew up at all. It has been suggested by some that a few of my preferred looks boarder on costume classification, and I have to admit I have always been drawn to fashion and period clothing designs. Perhaps I stand guilty as charged. In the past I served as costume mistress in some local theater productions and made my own costumes for several period productions... see theater geek. ;)   Perhaps someday those photos shall make it into my blog... This post is no exception to my flare for playing dress-up.

     Recently I achieved my goal weight at Weight Watchers, a healthy easy to manage eating plan that I highly recommend. I have plans to blog on this topic later so stay tuned for tips, advice and recipes! :) The day I hit “goal” I treated myself to a new outfit. I had the good fortune to find a dress with a sweet little flouncy ruffled hemline on clearance at a local department store. I purchased the dress thinking in the back of my mind that it might look cute with cowboy boots. Sadly, I had none, not to worry though I was sure that I could find something in my closet that would work. Later that same day my friend and I hit another store…a shoe store! Lo and behold what did I find? Cowboy boots… also on clearance! They had my size and fit perfectly, needless to say they came home with me. Upon arriving at home I couldn't wait to see how the whole thing would look together this is a picture I snapped. I added my brown owl belt (a gift from my In-laws and my denim jacket (available at Ann Taylor Loft) to complete the look. I do apologize for the crummy quality of this pic and will try to post a better picture soon. I plan to wear the outfit to a cowboy themed baby shower I am co-hosting next month. 
Above is another western themed look I created using Polyvore... I do love Polyvore.

Friday, October 4, 2013

The Eva Mendes Collection for NY & Co.

Eva Mendes Collection @ Ny&Co 
As Autumn approaches my thoughts turn to cooler weather and and of course dressing appropriately for the falling temperatures. I for one, am excited! Fall is my favorite time of year for many reasons. Yesterday I ventured into my nearest city with a mall... yes alas, I live in the sticks and must travel 1-2 hours to get to what I call a, "real mall". It was a lovely excursion, I found these cute little ensembles at the New York & Co in said shopping mall within said town. Now I don't know about you, but I could totally see myself rocking that fuzzy pink coat on the right! I really like the late 50's-60's vibe radiating from of both outfits- And don't even get me started on the wonderfulness of those leopard print pants! Eva Mendes knows her stuff! I returned home empty handed  but you don't have to!!! If you think one of these belongs in your closet you can find them here. ->